Wednesday 11 May 2011



Above is a hyperlink to my Horn video; this shows a combination of many people in there cars and them beeping their horns.

I had 11 videos in total of the cars with 2 videos from the public response. I thought using these two videos on the end, with both their individual reactions especially the phrases "careering down a hill" and "oh my gosh" ends the video suddenly from the frantic horns.

I am really pleased with this project and outcome of the video. Although it was slightly different than previously imagined I feel the use of video and the journey towards it was a learning curve and with new techniques and experience can be used to my advantage in the future.

My intentions were of which is displayed above and I am excited to show that this video is an outcome of the humerous task of the beeping horns and the postcard quote:
"I could'nt repair your breaks so I made your horn louder".

Process of Video

Each video of the honking of the horn (11 videos in total) were each uploaded to flash. This then led to the option of cutting each video and editing it to exactly what I wanted.

The process of one of the videos is below:

Here was the first step of uploading the video's to library, this gave me the option to upload as many videos as I had.

Here I was simply selecting the videos that I wanted to use.

This was an option to decide what next step I wanted to choose, the one I choose gave me the option to edit my videos.

As previously stated, this step gives me the option to edit my videos before uploading them.

So here I had to option to crop and edit my videos. Mainly at the beginning of the video you can hear me shouting 'now' or '3..2..1' etc. This step gave me the opportunity to cut this out. This ensures more accuracy of the videos when cut.

So once edited, you can only hear just the horn which allows, when putting all videos together, it to become more easy to play the horns at the same time.

Here just shows the option of video quality.

Then once finished, last step was to upload the video to the library.

This was my last video uploaded and in the background you can see the library has more videos in. This just simply shows how many I have in the library.

Monday 9 May 2011

Planning of my video

When I decided to continue with the video idea, I asked a lot more people if they could go ahead with my request.

So before I create the video, I need to plan ideas and ways of screening what it will look like. So on Photo Shop I am going to simply experiment with didn't plans and ideas.

Each ones shows a different layout that could be used in the video/film, that I will put together. I would like to show different layouts to give it interest and with other techniques used I hope it would in the end look and sounds good.

Different ideas like spinning round the different videos when playing them and switching back and forth, are different techniques and experiments that may work well.

I did have other ideas which could have worked and protrayed my quote most effectively. But due to the limited time, I could only keep it along the lines of having the videos playing in a special layout and playing around with the effects and sounds.

  • I could have gone all out with having many TV's each playing one video, but again keeping to the time frame and budget this could be instead adapted on Photo shop to be similar to the idea.

  • Or sorting out the videos so it looked in the shape of car, but again a long time frame would be needed.

  • Or I could have adapted the sounds and videos together and play around with the order and how sounds came out.

When trying to put together the video, I firstly tried it on FLASH, but a lot of problems occured and I found the process all very confusing and annoying. I uploaded one of my videos but with my lack of knowledge of Flash, I didnt seem to get any further.

Here are screenshots of uploading the video.

I then realised, after a while trying to put mini film/video together, that my clip have a different format that cannot be used on specific medias. This then has prevented me from getting any further with creating my video.
With limited time; this has caused a slight problem. Hopefully, I can overcome these problems and move on to blogging my new video soon.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Research for Car Horn Development :)

When looking back at my video's of the people and their car horns, made me reflect on that idea and develop that idea into a bigger collection of people, their cars and horns maybe turn out to be quite humorous but simple.

Having the image besides it of the owners adds that extra sense of 'story' to the people and their car choice.

A specific photographer which may give an extra insight and further ideas and development is Stephen Gill.
When looking at his images; I took note that his images are good but look better in a set. This made me link to my idea of the car horns. Having a series of images of the people and their car as well as a series of videos of the car horns. As a set it would speak a lot more about their characters and stories.

Stephen Gill himself grew up being introduced to photography from a young age, by his father-- his first images reflect his interests of birds, animals and music.

"Stephen Gill is emerging as a Major force in British photography.
His best work is a hybrid between documentary and conceptual work. It is the repeated exploration of one idea executed with the precision that makes these series so fascinating and illuminating. Gill brings a very British, understated irony into portrait and landscape photography." Martin Parr
Here is a website that briefly introduces Stephen Gill and some of his work: Click Here

Gill's photos can sometimes apparently be of nothing in particular.

He says "I've taught myself to really step back and have the equal treatment of things, I know that while photography is often seen as the amplification of something, it is also good at doing the opposite, quietening things and not enhancing them, and them perhaps you want to look at the picture, and study it, more."

Gill has done projects of back of advertising billboards, cinema audiences, shopping trolleys and the ongoing fascination with nature-- trees, insects, swans. He also started with an exhibition based on an illegal market which led him to photograph and document the mountains of fridges, old television sets and second hand shoes.

Here is one of his many images.

Another photographer which can link to my work is Oscar Fernando Gomez Rodriguez, he is an artist who lives and works in Mexico. He began as a wedding photographer but then moved on to creating his income from becoming a taxi driver.
The window of the taxi became the frame work as he travelled across Moneterrey, Mexico documenting life as he knew it. He has his own exhibitions and eventually hopes to owen his own taxi.

"While some dream on a mattress, others sell a mattress to get something they dreamed of."

This was his best shot. "reminded me of me"

The only link that fits well with my idea, is that Oscar was photographing out of the taxi but I am photographing in.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Tea party and the people

The first few photos show people in action and their reactions from the day.

These images are not stage and show certain people when they have no knowledge someone is taking a picture of them. If the person in the image knew that a picture was being taken of them I'm sure they may have acted in a different way, or pose.

So these images below simply show them being 'them'?

A man in action; in the moment he was generally trying to show what he was doing to his daughter, the daughter seemed like she wasn't taking an notice. For the dad, he just wanted attention.

Here the lady was in the middle of talking; I like this image as it shows her not posing. I feel this has more personality and quirkiness to it.

This photo is quite absurd, its very random with the foil half covering his legs. This boy looks like he has half dressed up, with the slightly creepy and frightening mask.

This man was dancing randomly to a man playing the guitar; he didn't seemed phased that he may have been watched or judged for being him.

Here below are the numerous images of the people and their quirky clothes.

In all the pictures they are smiling/ posing or acting in a certain way-- this linked to having a social mask to how they react to certain people. But especially for my request of a photo; and a pressured moment they had no choice but say no. I didn't want it to come across that way but when in that situation, they only react as they would or as they thought they were meant to. A common question was "what do you want me to do" "how shall I stand" this could suggest and show being nervous, shy or vulnerable. But as previously questioned; are they only reacting in the way that 'we' as a 'society' possibly expect?

This photo really reflects their characters of which I saw on the day, they were both very bubbly and happy.

These two men were having their photo taken by someone else and saying 'Rhubarb...custard, custard, rhubarb...'

This lady seemed very shy before taking the photo, but when I asked her for the photo she was more than happy. Although she did say 'let me get my prop/cup' used as a part of her 'character'.

This lady seemed very reserved/shy and I felt she only had to photo taken as she felt she had no choice.

Here the lady has a very interesting dog dalmatian dress on; this seems like an interesting statement.

Here is the same lady from above but this time posing the way she wanted to.

This group were having there photo taken and as you can see are posing for it.

This was the first group of people I took an image of, my original thought was being dressed that way, they wouldn't mind having there photo taken.

I like the set of images above; although on the day it took me guts to get them, trying to get out of my comfort zone, I am pleased with the images I got and glad that I tried to go that step further. I like that they're very quirky and unique


When developing from my ideas of the quote, I explored around the Boscombe tea party of which had many interesting acts, vintage markets and stalls, this showed many people and there quirky personalities and what they wore. This helped me think about what I could explore when linking it to my ideas of the quote.

Previously when listening to the responses of the public and what they said, it was a very simple and obvious response of which I had originally thought of. When asking different people, I was hoping to be able to experiment with some of there certain ideas. But according to their thoughts, the majority were predominantly very safe with a lack of complexity.

At the beginning of the project my expectations of the public were challenged after a few of the answers I received, this lead me to altering my original thought of how the public could contribute to the project. Therefore when photographing people in there quirkiness; it helped to challenge myself and go further out of my comfort zone and simply just asking people for there photograph and possibly having a chat before.

Once getting over the first hurdle; I enjoyed getting images of the people that I did. I realised that the people wouldn't mind the attention and there photograph taken, having come to the event dressed that way.
So when thinking back to my quote and the emperor's new clothes story I thought they may fit together well.

"I couldn't repair your brakes" This could, if I were to go into depth, link to vulnerability, past and feelings so "I made your horn louder" could then go on to having a social mask, stereotypical image and/or attention for reason's that people would rather cage away. So when putting themselves in that situation with what they wear and how they act, puts them in a box that people may automatically judge in a certain way and assume things that may not be true.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Emperor's New Clothes

The emperor's new clothes is a fairy tale (an old children's story) by Hans Christian Anderson about an emperor who pays a lot of money for some magic clothes which can only be seen by wise people. The clothes do not really exist, but the emperor does not admit he cannot see them, because he does not want to seem stupid. Everyone else pretends to see the clothes too, until a child shouts out, "The emperor has no clothes on!"

  1. The title is often used to describe a situation in which people are afraid to criticise something because everyone else seems to think it is good or important.

  2. The story is also used to express the state of mortality in a society, expressed through the medium of a fable.

  3. The tale shows the vulnerability of conceited people who practise self-deceit to exposure as frauds.

  4. Seeing is presented in the tale as the courage of one convictions. Sight becomes insight, which, in turn prompts action.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Public Response

I also took the opportunity and asked a few people what there thoughts were on the quote.
When doing this I had previously got an older man, and a group of guys but both there responses where not appropriate to upload although there response was very similar to the answers below.
The overall layout of these 3 videos were a lot more cleaner compared to the other two I had recorded. I didn't realise but I moved a lot when recording the man and group but the 3 below are a lot shorter in time and easier to watch.

Generally the thoughts were similar, and mainly about crashing; which was the most obvious.

The first response was from a guy in a surf shop

The second response is from my dad

The third response is from my mum

Made your horn louder!

After mind mapping various ideas I decided to begin with videoing and photographing people in there vehicles with them originally just them and then them beeping there horn.

Postcard Task

I received a postcard and written on it was the following quote:

"I couldn't repair your brakes so I made your horn louder"


When mind mapping ideas I was trying to think out of the box and beyond the obvious when planning ahead of possible ideas.

The quote itself is all about vehicles-- brakes and horns, so my initial idea was mainly all about capturing the sound of the horn and the different people and the type of car they owned.
Linking with the idea that the owner of the car suited what car they had and the horn sound suited the car or vehicle.

Once I thought of this, I realised it was quite the obvious step forward so I grasped other ideas along the lines of the horn being a warning sign- so capturing sounds like barking, alarm, screaming, crying and so on.

Those were the obvious ideas but ones that are more complex and may need developing further are: a faith link-- God couldn't repair the world so sent down his son, or the people that are not heard homeless/ children (seen and not heard)