Tuesday 3 May 2011

Tea party and the people

The first few photos show people in action and their reactions from the day.

These images are not stage and show certain people when they have no knowledge someone is taking a picture of them. If the person in the image knew that a picture was being taken of them I'm sure they may have acted in a different way, or pose.

So these images below simply show them being 'them'?

A man in action; in the moment he was generally trying to show what he was doing to his daughter, the daughter seemed like she wasn't taking an notice. For the dad, he just wanted attention.

Here the lady was in the middle of talking; I like this image as it shows her not posing. I feel this has more personality and quirkiness to it.

This photo is quite absurd, its very random with the foil half covering his legs. This boy looks like he has half dressed up, with the slightly creepy and frightening mask.

This man was dancing randomly to a man playing the guitar; he didn't seemed phased that he may have been watched or judged for being him.

Here below are the numerous images of the people and their quirky clothes.

In all the pictures they are smiling/ posing or acting in a certain way-- this linked to having a social mask to how they react to certain people. But especially for my request of a photo; and a pressured moment they had no choice but say no. I didn't want it to come across that way but when in that situation, they only react as they would or as they thought they were meant to. A common question was "what do you want me to do" "how shall I stand" this could suggest and show being nervous, shy or vulnerable. But as previously questioned; are they only reacting in the way that 'we' as a 'society' possibly expect?

This photo really reflects their characters of which I saw on the day, they were both very bubbly and happy.

These two men were having their photo taken by someone else and saying 'Rhubarb...custard, custard, rhubarb...'

This lady seemed very shy before taking the photo, but when I asked her for the photo she was more than happy. Although she did say 'let me get my prop/cup' used as a part of her 'character'.

This lady seemed very reserved/shy and I felt she only had to photo taken as she felt she had no choice.

Here the lady has a very interesting dog dalmatian dress on; this seems like an interesting statement.

Here is the same lady from above but this time posing the way she wanted to.

This group were having there photo taken and as you can see are posing for it.

This was the first group of people I took an image of, my original thought was being dressed that way, they wouldn't mind having there photo taken.

I like the set of images above; although on the day it took me guts to get them, trying to get out of my comfort zone, I am pleased with the images I got and glad that I tried to go that step further. I like that they're very quirky and unique

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