Wednesday 11 May 2011



Above is a hyperlink to my Horn video; this shows a combination of many people in there cars and them beeping their horns.

I had 11 videos in total of the cars with 2 videos from the public response. I thought using these two videos on the end, with both their individual reactions especially the phrases "careering down a hill" and "oh my gosh" ends the video suddenly from the frantic horns.

I am really pleased with this project and outcome of the video. Although it was slightly different than previously imagined I feel the use of video and the journey towards it was a learning curve and with new techniques and experience can be used to my advantage in the future.

My intentions were of which is displayed above and I am excited to show that this video is an outcome of the humerous task of the beeping horns and the postcard quote:
"I could'nt repair your breaks so I made your horn louder".

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