Tuesday 5 October 2010

Composition Lesson!

Last week we had a lesson on composition: what it is, photos of which helped show it and so on.

So I have put together a small simple video of which is a mind map that shows the ideas which best describe what composition is.

From discussing about composition and what it is, we explored photographers of which I chose Matt Stuart.
He is a contemporary photography, and for himself it has not been an easy ride to pick which hobby or career he was heading towards.
His father was the reason for introducing him to photography; giving him books for example of Cartier-Bresson, he had previously thought about playing the trumpet and skateboarding. But as you can see, neither really turned out well.
This link will give an insight of Matt Stuart and his work. From this site, it gives you information about himself and small facts, and all of his photographs in sections.

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