Tuesday 19 October 2010

Film Poster!

In a lesson, Friday afternoon, we played around with characters and photography to create a film poster. It also was mainly practise for Photo Shop.
So once we got into groups and took the photos, we started to play around with the photos we took and other peoples to create a realistic but film like poster.
At first I found this difficult to create due to little knowledge of actually using Photo shop.
But once getting into using it again, and all the techniques and details I was familiarising myself to it more easily.

Here is an initial start of my film poster; the 'story' is meant to be along the lines of pirates etc.

As you can see at the moment it is very basic and simple with a lot more work needed.

Each section needed special details of which I am still getting the hang of doing throughout the process of everything else.

Below are a few screenshots of what the process was like and how I did it and so on. It mainly just shows what as going on while I was creating the poster.

As you can see, both of these screenshots are slightly different but are a tool used for the same section of the poster. The first one shows a step to changing the colour and brightness/contrast of the image to change the effect of the 'sailor' to make sure he doesn't stand out to much and looks effective and realistic. And the next one shows the rubber tool of which helps blur and smudge the edges quicker. To get the right intensity, you would need to fiddle round with the controls like opacity, brush size and so on.

As you can see, these screenshots are of mainly myself working around how I was going set it out and what I was going to name the poster. For me this was a good learning stage of more tools of photo shop and working my way through it helped me gain more skills in those things.
One of the screenshots shows me fading the orange face/ monster, this was to show the ship more in the background and to help add a effect to the orange monster and poster altogether. Looking back at the shots shows me how I worked through it and gives me a recap of how I did it and what I could do to improve in the future.

During our film poster task we also looked at Mimmo Rotella, and his work which was mainly torn advertising posters, that then links towards our task of simply creating our own poster.

Above are two of Rotella's work and two of mine; as you can see Mimmo would tear through many previous posters and layers on a advertising board to create his torn effect. He would do this not knowing how it would end up; it was unplanned.

Doing these tasks on photo shop have really helped me photo shop with certain elements on it; layering, adjusting, selecting, cropping, fading etc. To use photo shop more for different tasks helps continue to give me more of an in site on how to use it.

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