Sunday 31 October 2010

Staged street photography task! (Mockumentary work)

Another task we were asked to complete was a Staged street task. This was linking back to our other task which was to do mainly with just street, not planned and spare of the moment photography. This is slightly different as its all about thinking and planning your ideas and what you could do.
Here are a few of my own photos...

Doing this task is linked to Jeff Wall, his work is all staged; he is a photographer as an artist. His photos are contrived and cultivated. But when taking a photo is to capture and show a moment.

From his work's, Jeff wall said: "When creating the destroyed room, i worked in reference to the design of commercial windows displays of clothing and furniture"

Again Jeff Wall said "The 'mimic' in Mimicis a tragic figure, in part, to me, because, as I mentioned, mime sis is the gem of art, here turned into a weapon of war. These little gestures of hate are precursors of worst things to come"

Hearing what Jeff Wall says himself; gives an understanding of why he did certain thing but I like observing and thinking of my own perception of his photographs as they give out questions like mainly "What's going on?"

These are two examples of his work; as you can see they are both very different but staged. His work is very different and slightly strange, but that's what makes it so interesting.

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