Wednesday 6 October 2010

Timeline Task!

In lesson we focused on different photographers and each of there works.
We started off with the oldest photo through to newer modern photos and photographers these days.
As a task in the lesson and for at home, we were told to create a timeline from the oldest to the newest photographers and a few examples of their work.

As you can see my photographs have all turned out in black and white. Unfortunately this was a mistake through photoshop which I probably could have solved but it turns out that i liked it all in that colour because it shows the concept of oldness and how much photography has evolved.

When i first started to create this i need to have planned before to help myself get started quicker. But after thought i started to arrange photos together with the photographers name. And I chose the photos of which i thought showed there work and style well.

It looks very plain and busy but it shows what a timeline would include but just with a different layout. I find the black and white colour scheme very simple of which works well the initial idea of history of photography when i was all black and white.

I realised that my timeline has not got much information about each of the photographers and their work, so I created another timeline which i very similar to my previous one but it just includes more text and colours.

This shows information about the artist or photographer and what they are mainly known for.

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